Heckler & Koch GmbH (HK) Official Group

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  • ID: 148937992
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Heckler & Koch GmbH (HK) (German pronunciation: [ˈhɛklɐʔʊntˈkɔx]) is a German defense manufacturing company that manufactures handguns, military rifles, submachine guns, and grenade launchers. The company is located in Oberndorf in the state of Baden-Württemberg, and also has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, France and the United States. The Heckler & Koch Group comprises Heckler & Koch GmbH, Heckler & Koch Defense, NSAF Ltd., and Heckler & Koch France SAS. The company's motto is "Keine Kompromisse!" (No Compromises!). HK provides firearms for many military and paramilitary units, like the SAS, KMar, the US Navy Seals, Delta Force, HRT, the German KSK and GSG 9 and many other counter-terrorist and hostage rescue teams. Their products include the MP5 SMG, the G3 battle rifle, the HK33, G36, HK416 assault rifles, the Heckler & Koch HK21 general-purpose machine gun, the MP7 PDW, the UMP SMG, the USP series of handguns, and the high-precision PSG1 sniper rifle. All firearms made by HK are named by a prefix and the official designation, with suffixes used for variants. HK has a history of innovation in firearms, such as the use of polymers in weapon designs and the use of an integral rail for flashlights on handguns. HK also developed modern polygonal rifling, noted for its high accuracy, increased muzzle velocity and barrel life. Not all of its technologically ambitious designs have translated into commercially successful products (for instance, the advanced but now abandoned G11 military rifle, which fired caseless high-velocity ammunition). In its extensive product range, HK has used the following operating systems for small arms: blowback operation, short-recoil, roller-delayed blowback, gas-delayed blowback, and gas operation (via Short-stroke piston). Heckler & Koch GmbH — немецкая компания по производству стрелкового оружия, основанная в 1949 году. Один из ведущих поставщиков армии и полиции Германии и других стран мира. Штаб-квартира компании расположена в городе Оберндорф-на-Неккаре, земля Баден-Вюртемберг. Heckler & Koch GmbH — один из наиболее плодовитых среди современных производителей стрелкового оружия; кроме штурмовых винтовок, пистолетов-пулеметов и пистолетов он выпускает множество моделей пулеметов. Компания выпускает каждую модель в версиях ленточного и магазинного питания и некоторые имеют калибры: НАТО 7,62 мм или 5,56 мм с дальнейшей вариацией последнего: под новый патрон SS 109 или старый американский M193.