Сектор Райобалло - ЕГИ

  • Подписчики: 10 подписчиков
  • ID: 5486880
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For many years, Raioballo sector was represented in the Galactic Senate by Horox Ryyder, an Anx renowned for his level-headed impartiality.[1] On his retirement, Ryyder was awarded the Royal Chalcedony Shield, typically only given to Alderaanians.[7] Ryyder was replaced as Raioballo sector senator by fellow Anx Zo Howler and his aide Fo Kuna.[1] Early in the Galactic Civil War, the sector was home to an Alliance to Restore the Republic base on Dantooine. However, the base was abandoned before the Battle of Yavin.[8] Shortly after this, Imperial defector Tycho Celchu tried to hide on the planet, but his defection was detected and an Imperial strike force attacked the planet. Celchu was rescued by the intervention of Luke Skywalker and a rebel strike team.[9] Later, when the New Republic came to power, they established a small colony on Dantooine for the refugees from Eol Sha. This was discovered by the renegade Imperial Admiral Daala who massacred the colonists as a political strike against the Republic in 11 ABY.[10] Планеты: 1) Дантуин 2) Шасугаунт 3) Синсанг 4) Энкс 5) Тэртиани Кесмери