SkaZka Orchestra/ СкаЗка Оркестра

  • Подписчики: 159 подписчиков
  • ID: 1115944
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This is a real gem, a CD that combines Russian folk music, klezmer, ska, and Gypsy swing in the best possible fashion. The SkaZka Orchestra was formed by Artur Gorlatschov and Valentin Butt who had moved to Berlin from the (then) Soviet Union. They started assembling an orchestra which now comprises several members including Elena Shams on drums, Flo Metzger on double bass, Andrej Ugoljew on trombone, and Johannes Bohmer on trumpet. ‘Kalamburage’ is their second CD, which has thirteen tracks, and although the band is based in Berlin, the vocals are primarily in Russian. This is a CD that virtually defies anyone not to dance; it is certainly the most energetic music since Gogol Bordello that is based largely around Russian folk music. Opening with the delightful ‘Nikifor’, this band betray their jazz roots, with a loping bass line, and some excellent brass which is a real pleasure to the ears. Tracks like ‘Avtoban’ have slightly punkier roots, being sung at a breakneck pace, and with accordion and brass section very much to the fore, this is music that bridges both cultures and generations. Strangely enough, the shortest track on the album, the thirty four second long ‘Intro’ is the eighth track on the album, the only reason I can see for this is that it introduces the monumental ‘Bormental’, which is a traditional Russian dance number played on trumpet and accordion, and featuring the shouted “Hai” at the appropriate points. This is a track that made me want to leave my seat straight away, it’s that infectious. What helps this band tremendously is the musical talent of all the members, several of whom still work within the Berlin Philarmoniker, and in theatre productions. Certainly for me tracks like ‘Modest’ and ‘Kleyster Dance’ really hit the spot. This might be only their second album, but SkaZka are already creating a storm over in Germany, hopefully with tracks as good as this, it won’t be long before the U.K. opens its arms to them. Certainly one of the best CDs I’ve heard this year so far. author: Nick Browne Видел я в аквариуме рыбу- чемодан С огромными глазами на лице. В руках она держала пол- бутылки вина И думала о страшном конце. Рыба, рыба, рыба чемодан Страшная жирная рыба чемодан. А раньше в жизни было всё просто как в кино Возможно было спрыгнуть и плотно лечь на дно. Теперь в лицо не смотрят, а пялятся в экран, А на экране корчит рожи рыба чемодан. Рыба, рыба, рыба чемодан Страшная жирная рыба чемодан. Die fast schon legendären Russen aus Berlin haben schon so manchen Club der Stadt in einen wahren Tanztempel verwandelt. Grundsätzlich schweißgetränkt, ehrlich und gutgelaunt erzählen sie ihre verrückten Märchen. Wilder Klezmer Sound trifft den Punk, elektronische Grooves vermischen sich mit Melodien aus dem Balkan. Ein Genuss fürs Ohr und Auge. Pressetext (Englisch) „ skaZka Orchestra presents a wild explosion of ska, klezmer and jazz with a shot of Russian melancholy. Skazka (Russian for fairy tale) is on a mission to tell quirky stories from all over the world. With double-bass, accordion, sax, drums and voices they bring the Russian soul to life, fusing together original and traditional melodies and modern rythms. For the last five years skaZka Orchestra has been ripening in Berlin, a city bursting at its seams with a melting pot music scene, where musicians from East and West meet and let their creativity loose. Capturing the finest Russian dance-philosophy... May the vodka flow and the crowds go wild!” Pressetext (Russisch) Забудьте все то, что раньше было принято считать сказкой! То, о чем рассказывают ребята –сказочники из группы SkaZka Orchestra больше нигде не услышишь . Они удачно миксуют традиции с многогранными экспериментами, которые сами еще не