My friends, let me invite you into our movement, the global project of the century in Africa, namely in the Afrokana project, which consists of several items, for the development and implementation of large-scale projects in their countries exclusively coastal, where there is an opportunity to realistically assess the transport axis, to stimulate the development of infrastructural parts to the project:
1. Production and Business, industrial (development of useful mineral deposits-construction of new power plants and factories for the production of industrial scale);
2. Infrastructure (construction of a new marine terminal overland and transshipment of hydrocarbon resources, railways, mobile and auto-line power lines also guide);
3. Agro-industry (growing agro-cultural semen, corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, fruits and vegetables, melons, to stimulate hunger and ability to export construction mobile vegetable and Fructo-storage facilities);
4. Medical cluster (this is the most difficult process, but requires additional study of the scale of the project to combat malaria, and child mortality);
5. Water Project (the construction of new water installations for the purification of drinking water and the possibility of further supply solutions for agriculture).
As you can see, our projects are very thin posing sensitive socially important part of the development of the region as a whole, and to propose to unite for the sake of a single result, under a single wing called – "Afrokana-Uniting Africa"!
Because we also received great support from some Governments of Africa, and a willingness to work together with our direct long-term investment funds and banks (finance, human resources, technical capabilities and extensive experience in management), for the development of the entire continent!
Also willing to work with us and other large corporations from China, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, the United States, Canada, Europe and Russia, and believe in our future cooperation, after all:-"Africa's future is in the hands of people close to the sensing problems and we also like to see with partners – as a unifying afrokan kernel!